
Awesome Priorities

Far-right psychonaut Michelle Malkin has successfully convinced Dunkin Donuts to pull a Rachel Ray ad -- not because Rachel Ray is talentless -- but because...

...some Americans would be sent into the streets in a pants-wetting panic that someone in a donut ad might be wearing a black and white scarf that looks sort of like something a Palestinian jihadist would be wearing. You know, if it wasn't a scarf but was a headdress. And if it had a different pattern. And if you were mind-rapingly insane to begin with.

Yep. Rachel was wearing a scarf that Malkin felt was way too not-American. You decide:

Image from the Boston Globe.

I'm so glad that pressing issues like Rachel Ray's neckware are being addressed by the paranoid/schizo far-right. Every second they spend on these topics is a second they're not pissing on the Constitution and unilaterally invading other nations.