The [McCain campaign] official said Gibson will have the chance to "speak to her on 9/11 about her ideas for keeping America safe in the future; to speak to her as she goes back to Wasilla, where she grew up, about her life and her views and her vision for the country."
I've been avoiding the practice of posting armchair quarterback advice for the Obama campaign. It's always seemed -- well -- presumptuous. After all, Senator Obama defeated the most popular and famous brand in American politics.
But when ABC gives Sarah Palin a slippery rub-down on national television, it's going to boost their already bumped poll numbers, so the Obama campaign absolutely has to get in front of this and plan a huge event or ad rollout to squelch that news cycle. Something. Because the ABC thing is going to have two great tastes that taste great together: Hockey Mom meets 9/11. And that's going to resonate.