
More Wingnut Self-Contradictions

Dave Neiwert reminds Bill O'Reilly and other torture sadists that you can't support torture, then complain that releasing information about torture will endanger our soldiers.

What's clearly never occurred to O'Reilly is the reality that what he's looking at is one of the very pragmatic and practical reasons American forces have historically eschewed torture: Indulging it not only gives our enemies a rationale to employ it on our own soldiers when captured, but in fact motivates them to capture our soldiers solely for the purpose of retaliatory torture.

Just brilliant. The wingnut self-contradictions keep piliing up.

Torture is awesome, unless people find out we're doing it (which they have), then it's bad. But O'Reilly still wants to torture. Even though it puts our soldiers in jeopardy. Yet anyone who puts our soldiers in jeopardy hates America. Smart!