Democratic Party

The 'Everyone Is Evil' Meme

A couple of notable progressive celebrities (who I won't mention by name because I'm not interested in going to war) have recently mentioned that they're sick of the whole "right/left" and "red/blue" divisiveness in America. Mostly, it's a cheap excuse for them to entertain the idea of a protest vote against the president in November.

While, yes, we should be able to rationally communicate with the other side, I always get worried when liberals start shitting all over "both sides" and take on the "lesser of two evils" meme.

It always happens. When Republicans are in charge, we take the gloves off and fiercely attempt to replace them with a Democrat. But when Democrats are in charge, too many liberals take on this too-hip-for-the-room attitude and either criticize the arrangement of the two party system or insist that both sides are evil.

Neither side is flawless, however, one side is much closer to our values. The other isn't even close. Shitting on "both sides" only serves to weaken the closer side -- the Democratic side.