The Daily Banter

The Truth About the President and The Deficit, Part 2

My Monday column for The Daily Banter. It's another important debunking of Republican lies regarding the deficit. Bookmark and circulate!

Last week I wrote a column here about the president's record on the deficit. The responses I received from anti-Obama Republicans vividly illustrated the far-right's inability to grasp reality and, in their defense, the degree to which they've been deceived by their leadership -- be it Mitt Romney or Rush Limbaugh or anyone in-between.

At the risk of repeating myself, I'd like to again emphasize a key point in what I wrote here. And since this was kind of a buried lead in the piece, it's worth breaking it out as its own thing.

FACT: President Barack Obama has cut the deficit by $312 billion from Bush's final deficit through the deficit projections for 2012. Likewise, when Mitt Romney and the Republicans tell their people that the president has doubled the deficit, they're lying... Continued here.