
The Texas GOP Will Debate Secession at Their Convention

Written by SK Ashby

A number of local Republican parties in Texas at the district and county level have passed resolutions calling for secession from the Unites States which means the issue could be discussed at the state party convention.

The party will descend on Dallas next month where the secessionist movement will be at least briefly considered.

A Nederland-based pro-independence activist group, the Texas Nationalist Movement, said at least 22 of the hundreds of conventions passed secession items. Texas GOP chairman Tom Mechler said he "would be very surprised" if that many had indeed passed the conventions.

The Houston Chronicle reached out to GOP officials in the counties listed by the Nationalist Movement. Ten responded and all confirmed passage of the resolutions.

A committee at the state party convention will debate if there even should be a debate on secession. If they allow it, secession will be discussed on the floor of the convention on the weekend of May 12th.

This isn't exactly a surprise. Republicans in Texas have long flirted with the idea of secession and their governor Gregg Abbott unveiled a policy platform earlier this year that I would describe as a blueprint for secession or, at the very least, nullification.

Party leaders may not want to discuss it at their convention but they've encouraged this movement. It wasn't very long ago that we were all talking about Operation Jade Helm and the U.S. military's secret plot to usurp control of Texas by tunneling under local Wal-Marts. Even the governor pandered to that batshittery.