The revelation that women are the primary source of income in 40 percent of American households has roused the He-man Woman Haters Club from their entitled slumber and compelled them to display their inner caveman.
At 1:30
Erickson: Lou I’m so used to liberals telling conservatives that they are anti-science. But liberals who defend this and say it’s not a bad thing are very anti-science. When you look at biology, look at the natural world, the roles of a male and female in society, in other animals the male typically is the dominant role, the female is not antithesis or is not competing; it’s a complementary role.
We as people in a smart society have lost the ability to have complimentary relationships in nuclear families and its tearing us apart. What I find interesting in the survey is that three quarters of the people surveyed recognize that having moms as the primary breadwinner is bad for kids and bad for marriage, and reality shows us that’s the truth.
Williams: The politicians won’t say it. That’s what bothers me Erick…
Erickson: It’s a War on Women Juan.
Erickson’s “science” argument is not too far removed from the eugenicist master-race argument. Because it isn’t science. It’s junk science. It’s pseudo-science. The kind of science that Erickson learned by reading the back of a cracker-jack box while watching Disney movies and reveling in his own arrogant genius.
His lamentations over the disappearance of the traditional nuclear family has less to do with the health of today’s society and more to do with his nostalgia for a past time when men were men and women were in the kitchen where they belong. A time when it required less effort for men such as himself to justify their own existence and place in society.
The last time I heard someone deliver this kind of argument with such seriousness, I was in grade-school.
(H/T Maddow Blog)