
Lee To Andy Card: Blow Me

by Lee Stranahan

The HuffPost says that former Bush Chief of Staff Andy Card has a problem with Obama not ...umm...dressing right.

"There should be a dress code of respect," Card tells INSIDE EDITION. "I wish that he would wear a suit coat and tie."

This is, in it's own weird way, why BushCo sucked so much. All coat, no brain. Focus on the nonessentials. Show not go.

I went to church in a t-shirt last week. (This one, in case you wondered.) I spoke with God after church and she didn't care. Same way with our country.

Kids have more access to health insurance. Troops will be coming home. Obama could dress in Ed Wood angora for all I care. Shut up, Andy.Seriously. STFU.

(I know, it's creepy how I support Obama!)