
Poll: Political Dividends

I've already gone over the fact that Friday's budget compromise is indeed potentially bad news for the nation economically, but a new CNN poll confirms the premise that politically it was a victory for the president and, to a lesser extent, senate Democrats.

Republicans, on the other hand, didn't win anything.

- Most Americans credit President Obama and the Democrats for the compromise (48 percent) than credit Congressional Republicans (35 percent, including the mainstream media and angry liberals) or both (11 percent). Another 3 percent credit “neither.”

- Most Americans approve of the budget compromise (58 percent) versus 38 percent who disapprove. That includes most Democrats (66 percent) and most independents (56 percent) and even a large share of Republicans (47 approve and 49 percent oppose it).

- More Americans approve of Obama’s handling of negotiations (54 percent approve) than approve of Congress’ handling (54 percent disapprove.)

-Their plan to kill funding for Planned Parenthood is opposed by 65 percent of Americans, and their plan to defund the EPA so it can’t regulate climate change is opposed by 71 percent. Even their idea of defunding “Obamacare” is opposed by a majority (58 percent) versus just 41 percent who say “defund it.”

That looks like a pretty big fail for the Republicans if you ask me. This puts the president in a good position for the next rider-infused budget showdown, which will likely take place in a couple weeks over the national debt ceiling.

Any popular support the Republicans had during this round of negotiations has been eroded, and during the next round, to the average voter they will end up looking like the screaming child who isn't getting that piece of candy with the cartoon character on the packaging.

We're in campaign mode now ladies and gentlemen, and the Republicans have lost round-one.

via @AngryBlackLady