At no other time in recent memory have we witnessed such an obvious display of Congress siding with a psychotic lobbyist group and against the overwhelming opinion of the American people. Yesterday, the Senate voted 54-46 — six votes shy of a winning margin — against expanding background checks to include firearm sales at gun shows and via the internet. Put another way, another amendment that would expand concealed-carry laws nationwide received more votes (it also failed, but with 57 ‘yes’ votes).
The senators who voted against it are, in no uncertain terms, cowards. They’re too afraid to vote against the crackpot will of Wayne LaPierre and his minion of freakdogs. In fact, they fear LaPierre and his money more than they fear opposing the will of their voters. Case in point, Democratic senator Heidi Heitkamp voted against the amendment even though 94 percent of North Dakotans support the expansion of background checks.
Yesterday proved to be both a dark, shameful day for the American news media (looking at you, CNN) but also a dark, shameful day for the U.S. Senate.
By the way, Harry Reid — Droopy Dog — the Democratic leader of the Senate voted against the amendment.