John McCain


Posted by JumpyPants

I would say John McCain is more scared of debating Barack Obama than Jamie Lee Curtis was scared of Michael Myers in Halloween and Halloween 2 combined.

I would say John McCain is more scared of the debate than he is of letting Sarah Palin talk to a reporter.

I would say John McCain is so freaking terrified of appearing on stage in Mississippi on Friday that he is probably wearing Depends Adult Undergarments 24/7 at this point and trying to forgo liquids because he literally cannot stop peeing his pants out of the sheer terror which enters his mind when he imagines what the American public cannot help but see when they are forced to contrast, live on their tv screens, the cool brilliance of Senator Obama with the sputtering, pissy, senile-seeming incoherence that is him, the (gulp) Republican nominee for President.

John McCain: running from the truth and from himself all at the same time. But running.