
American Holiday

Written by SK Ashby

(Cartoonist - Stuart Carlson)

In other news, American coronavirus deaths crossed 100,000 this morning.

Meanwhile, a survey of 86,000 business owners or managers conducted by the Small Business Roundtable found that one third of them said their businesses will never reopen.

Finally, Jair Bolsonaro is blaming everyone else as Brazil's rate of infection and deaths skyrocket.

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — With Brazil emerging as one of the world’s most infected countries, President Jair Bolsonaro is deflecting all responsibility for the coronavirus crisis, casting blame on mayors, governors, an outgoing health minister and the media.

By contrast, he portrays himself as a clear-eyed crusader willing to defend an unpopular idea — that shutting down the economy to control COVID-19 will ultimately cause more suffering than allowing the disease to run its course. The refusal of governors to fall into line with his decree allowing gyms to open, he said, verged on authoritarianism. [...]

Latin America’s largest nation has confirmed about 375,000 COVID-19 cases, more than any nation except the U.S., and experts say that figure is a significant undercount due to insufficient testing. The strain on Brazil’s underfunded hospitals has pushed them to the brink of collapse in multiple states and prevents some patients from getting treatment.

Havoc and heartache are unfolding beneath a void of leadership, according to Miguel Lago, executive director of Brazil’s Institute for Health Policy Studies, which advises public health officials. Two health ministers have left office during the pandemic, making Brazil the world’s only nation that can claim such distinction, he said.

Brazil is “completely incapable of dealing with and responding to this crisis as this crisis should be responded to — with complete leadership, clear messages, political stability and unity,” Lago said. “That’s not the case here. Basically, what we’re seeing is a complete lack of seriousness and competence.”

This is very, very familiar. It's uncanny.

If nothing else, I sincerely hope the world has learned that you shouldn't elect The Joker as your president. We'll see here in November.