Author - Jim Biederman

White House

Gonzales speaks

Alberto Gonzales, in a prepared statement released today, promised to "abide by anti-torture treaties if he is confirmed as attorney general". So I guess all this concern over his previous legal...

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Apocalypse Now, Part II

James Wolcott's commentary on an article about our military in Iraq in the current issue of The Economist. Brilliant. And a real quote, as if written by John Milius, himself. 'If anyone gets too...

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Supreme Court

Justice for sale

Hmmm... A bible valued at $19,000. A bust of President Lincoln worth $15,000. These and other sundried items are just some of the haul our US Supreme Court Justices took in as "gifts". By the way...

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George W. Bush


Now that Bush was finally shamed into substantially increasing American aid to Southeast Asia; the real question now is, will the lying sack of shit actually spend it? Read more here.

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George W. Bush Torture

Torture Bad

A new memo released yesterday by the Justice Department repudiates a previous DOJ memo from August 2002 which defended (and even endorsed) torture in interrogations. The first memo was written by...

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More Mad Cow

Hours after the U.S. re-opens the border with Canada for meat shipments, Canada announces that it discovered a new case of Mad Cow in it's livestock. Read it here.

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George W. Bush

A mandate?

So Bush feels that his slim margin election victory gives him a mandate that represents the "will of the people". Problem is that the issues the American people think are important have nothing to do...

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