The State Department approved the leases without permission from Congress.
Author - SK Ashby
The Debt Ceiling is Coming
Along with a possible government shutdown.
Trump Wants “Emergency” Funding For His Border Fiasco
Trump is asking for more money to plug holes he created.
Fan Club
Assange goes to prison, Pompeo says military action in Venezuela is possible, and churches are buying shooter insurance.
Trump’s Clubs Force Immigrants to Work Without Pay, New York AG Investigating
State prosecutors are investigating Trump's golf club in New York.
DHS Wants to Use DNA to Find ‘Fake Families’
The DNA program could separate people who actually belong together.
Taxpayers Have Covered Trump Staff Bar Tabs
Trump's staff stiffed Trump's bar, so his bar billed taxpayers.
Mueller Called Out Barr for Lying About His Findings
Mueller wrote a to letter Barr after he lied about the Mueller report.
Thoughts and Prayers
Trump's campaign manager takes foreign money, Assange will appear in court, and Mattis ignored Trump on North Korea.
Foxconn Has Only Spent 1 Percent of Their Pledge in Wisconsin
Foxconn hired fewer than 200 people by the end of 2018.
Farm Income Dropped Off a Cliff in the First Quarter
Trump's bailout for farmers was wiped out in just three months.
The White House Calls for Charging Asylum Fees
America for sale.
Trump is Suing His Own Bank
Trump is suing Duestche Bank; the only bank that would still do business with them.
Notre Dumb
Military spending reaches Cold War levels, measles soars, and Trump attacks firefighters for endorsing Biden.
We’ll Never See a Bigger Liar
Trump has told over 10,000 lies, and that might be a conservative count.
DHS Wants to Bypass Courts for Deportations
A proposal would allow ICE to deport more people before they ever see a judge.
The NRA’s Meltdown Continues
Oliver North is out as the president of the NRA.
Trump’s Clubs Reject Most American Applicants, Hire Guest Workers
The Mar-a-Lago only hired 1 American for a temporary position in the last 4 years.
No Notes
Deutsche Bank hands over Trump records, Feds will relax the Volcker Rule, and the Trump baby balloon returns. Plus music.
Report: Trump to Send Military Cooks, Drivers to the Border
Trump and the GOP continue to use the military like private contractors.