Trump wants to dump immigrants in cities that... welcome immigrants?
Author - SK Ashby
Trump May Have a New Mission for Border Troops
Looking at empty lots.
Everything is Dumber Than You Can Imagine
You can't make this shit up.
No Obstruction
Kudlow offers faint praise of Powell, former WH counsel Greb Craig is indicted, and natural disasters are contributing to inequality.
Trump Tentatively Agrees to a Third “Summit”
President Moon Jae-in was desperate for some help back home.
Trump’s Sister Retires Over Trump Family Tax Fraud
Retired judges can't be investigated for personal conduct.
Trump May Deploy More Troops Because He Heard a Thing
After hearing stories from donors, Trump says he'll send more troops to the border.
WikiLeaks Founder Assange Charged, Arrested
Assange has finally been arrested and may be extradited to the US
Full Tank
Trump might nominate an extremist for CIS, Democrats vote for Net Neutrality, and Assange says his hosts spied on him.
Depending on Trump, President Moon Jae-in is Probably Doomed
South Korean President Moon Jae-in may need Trump's help to stay in office. And that's bad for Moon.
The Dumbest Conspiracy Theorists Are Running for Office Now
Republicans who believe in QAnon are running for office.
Canada to Impose New Retaliatory Tariffs on U.S. Goods
Canadian officials say they will soon impose a revised list of potent tariffs.
The British Apocalypse May Be Delayed
European leaders have agreed to a Brexit delay.
Clean Coal
Trade officials 'aren't satisfied,' Reps. Meadows and Jordan oppose Oversight, and the Mar-a-Lago spy is charged in court.
AG Barr Shrugs at Possibility Obamacare is Thrown Out
If it's crazy, you "have nothing to worry about," Barr says.
Report: Trump’s Clubs Have Been Hiring Workers Off The Street
Trump contractors have been picking up undocumented laborers "at the side of the road."
Trump Told Federal Agents to Ignore Judges
The agents consulted supervisors who said they have to follow the law.
Trump Threatens to Open a New Front in His Trade War
Trump threatens to impose additional tariffs on the European Union.
Security Clearance
Dimon says GOP tax cuts boosted profit, China opens a trade route with North Korea, and a New Zealand official rips Facebook.
“significant work remains”
Trump's adviser say positive things about trade talks, but they won't share any details.