That's not how anything works.
Author - SK Ashby
The GOP’s First Hearing on Minimum Wage in 8 Years Was Canceled
The GOP's key witness called for imposing taxes on gay people.
Trump Cancels His Bailout for Farmers After Hallucinating Trade Progress
The White House is making farm policy based on Trump's imagination.
Chief of Staff
A Neo-Nazi is sentenced to life in prison, Time names Khashoggi Person of the Year, and Wells Fargo gouges college students.
“A war room? You serious?”
Trump regime sources say they have no plan for dealing with subpoenas from House Democrats.
The NRA’s Russian Spy Has Flipped
Butina has agreed to cooperate in an investigation that may lead further into the NRA.
“I am proud to shut down the government”
If there is a partial government shutdown, Trump just took ownership of it.
Did House Republicans Inadvertently Screw Giuliani?
House Republicans didn't do Trump's fake lawyer any favors.
Mueller Christmas
Some border troops return home, investors calls for action on climate change, the FBI probes fake FCC comments.
Armed With Tax Cuts, Verizon is Cutting Over 10,000 Jobs
Verizon benefited from the GOP's tax cuts more than most corporations.
Trump’s Trade Rep. Says Talks With China Won’t Be Extended
It's a "hard deadline," he says, but it's ultimately up to Trump's whims.
“I can’t breathe”
Details of the recording of Jamal Khashoggi's killing are leaking to the American press.
Supreme Court Won’t Hear Case to Defund Planned Parenthood
Justice Clarence Thomas inadvertently gave the game away in his dissent.
Climate Change
Job growth slows, Mueller talks to Kelly, and Kelly might resign. Plus music and more.
Will This Be Scott Walker’s Final Fuck You to Wisconsin?
A lame duck bill would roll back job creation checks for taxpayer subsidies.
Did Foreign Agents Hack The Migrant Caravan?
A fake Facebook account used fake news to increase the size of the caravan.
“We’re not sure who we’re supposed to listen to”
"We've gotten a hodge-podge of mixed messages"
Your Next UN Ambassador is a Former Fox News Host
Trump is nominating Heather Nauert to replace Nikki Haley.
Simple Decency
The CFPB has a new director, the CFO of Huawei is arrested, and Nebraska's farmers lose $1 billion.
Congress Funds The Government For 2 Weeks, Won’t Fund Trump’s Wall
A wall would be "“immoral, ineffective, expensive,” Pelosi said.