The DOJ filed a brief that claims businesses can freely discriminate against trans employees.
Author - SK Ashby
Report: Foreign Governments Are Listening to Trump’s Calls
We're a long way from emails and risotto recipes.
Candy Caravan
New York sues Exxon, home sales plummet, and lobbyists try to save arms sales. Plus a programming note.
“There’s no proof of anything”
Trump tells us what we already knew.
“We don’t have tariffs”
"We don’t have tariffs anywhere."
Bombs Mailed to Clintons, Obamas, CNN [Updating]
It appears that a serial bomber (or attempted bomber) is on the loose.
Beautiful Ted
Mueller has receipts for Roger Stone, young people abandon Facebook, and Khashoggi's body may have been found.
“What we want to believe”
It's not a conspiracy theory if they say it out loud.
Kudlow Blames Democrats, Who Aren’t In Power, For Market Sell-Offs
Kudlow is already blaming Democrats for the next economic downturn.
Trump is Ready To Get Owned Again
Trump is preparing for meetings with his two favorite people: Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin
Trump’s Fake NAFTA Deal Would Expose American Business to Corrupt Courts
Trump's "deal" would force Americans to file cases in Mexico. And Mexico opposed it.
Nice Things
Russia hints at an arms race, 700,000 march against the Brexit, and a Saudi agent impersonated Khashoggi.
Zinke Wants to Use Military Bases For Private Coal Business
This will probably never happen, but Zinke hopes it will.
The Trump Regime Wants to Exclude Transgender People From Civil Rights Laws
HHS is going to wrongly declare that laws against sex discrimination don't apply to transgender people.
Bolton to Lecture Russians About Nukes As Trump Withdraws From INF Treaty
John Bolton never let hypocrisy get in his way before. Why start now?
Donald The Dove Plans to Withdraw From a Nuclear Weapons Treaty
Trump may start a whole new global nuclear arms race.
The Angry Mob
Russians target Mueller, official say they shared the Khashoggi recording, and bots smear Khashoggi. Plus more.
Russian Charged With Interfering in the 2018 Midterm Election
Information uncovered by Robert Mueller may have led to the new indictment.
Dozens of Countries Seek Litigation Against The US At The WTO
If Trump were ever serious about withdrawing from the WTO, this could be how it starts.
House Republicans Are Using FARA Against Environmentalists
Republicans are using the Foreign Agents Registration Act to investigate environmental groups.