Joint exercises that were canceled, then un-canceled, have been canceled again.
Author - SK Ashby
The New Spokesman
Manafort sings, Michael Cohen sings, and another investigation inches toward the Trumps.
Report: The Saudis Have Chosen a Patsy
They're reportedly going to blame a general close to MBS.
Trump Wants to Kick Out Foreign Students Now
Trump has proposed new limits on student visas.
Trump’s Next Trade Blunder Could Dramatically Increase the Cost of International Shipping
Trump's threat to withdraw from the Universal Postal Union could backfire.
Trump’s EPA Wants Credit for an Obama-era Reduction in Emissions
Thanks, Obama.
The Cover Story
Mueller may release a report soon, Scott Walker hides his own agenda, and Zinke may cook the books.
McConnell Says Republicans Will Try to Repeal Obamacare Again
Does McConnell want to see Democrats win?
Trump Says He’ll Tell All Federal Agencies to Cut Spending
Because the tax cut didn't pay for itself.
WSJ, NY Times Confirm Gruesome Details of WaPo Contributor’s Killing
New reports tell us the Saudis were lying even when they partially admitted guilt.
Rick Perry’s Plan to Subsidize Dying Coal Plants Has Been Shelved
Trump could overrule his advisers, but the plan is dead for now.
Enemies of the People
McConnell says no shutdowns, Turkish officials confirm Khashoggi was chopped up, and fund managers say they see growth slowing.
Automakers Record Losses, Shift Production to China Because of Trump’s Trade War
Trump's trade war continues to have the opposite effect of what's desired.
“It’s not a Republican problem”
Republican say it's finally time to cut Medicare and Social Security.
Saudis on Khashoggi’s Death: Oops Our Bad
The Saudis are reportedly going to admit they killed the Washington Post contributor.
McConnell Says Trump’s Fake NAFTA Deal Won’t Be Approved This Year
If it's not approved during the current session of Congress, it may never be.
The Thinker
The deficit rises by $113 billion, climate change might kill beer, and Ivanka and Jared believe they can fly.
Report: Myanmar’s Military Behind Pro-Genocide Campaign on Facebook
What appeared to be the work of random people wasn't random at all.
Trump Repeats Old, Debunked Talking Point For Family Separations
Even if Trump's claims were true, that wouldn't make it right.
Trump’s Son-in-Law Also Doesn’t Pay Taxes
In one recent year, Kushner actually received a tax refund while paying no taxes.