Trump made it clear that he doesn't care about North Korea's atrocities.
Author - SK Ashby
The Top Story
Trump wants to separate more families, Miller eats glue, and Georgia's SoS suppresses voters. Plus music and more.
Republicans Say They’ll Shut Down The Government For Real This Time. Maybe.
They don't have any plans, but they have a plan. Maybe.
Wilbur Ross is a Lying Liar
Ross lied about his reason for adding a citizenship question to the census.
WaPo Confirms Turkish Investigators Have Recordings of Contributor’s Murder
“You can hear how he was interrogated, tortured and then murdered.”
Our Trade Deficit With China Reaches a New Record High
Trump's tax on American consumers hasn't reduced our trade deficit.
Presidential Alert
Another Goldman exec might join Trump, Ford is cutting jobs, and a creepy robot learns a new skill.
Officials Say Saudi Crown Prince Ordered Operation to Detain WaPo Contributor
US intelligence knew MBS was trying to capture Khashoggi before recent events.
A GOP Loophole May Allow Trump to Never Pay Taxes on Foreign Income
The GOP's tax cuts included a hidden loophole that permanently shelters foreign income.
Brazilian Farmers Are Getting Paid More Than Trump’s Bailout
China is paying Brazilian farmers more than Trump is paying American farmers.
The New Session
Mueller's team sends another perp to prison, Hunter could face new charges, and wages are still flat.
Did Trump Know The Saudis Were Going to Kill a WaPo Contributor?
The intelligence community reportedly intercepted communications about the matter.
Drug Arrests Drop to 17 Year Low as Trump Focuses on Innocent Immigrants
Drug trafficking arrests have dropped to the lowest level since 2001.
Weeks Before Election, Republicans Introduce Bill To Fund Trump’s Border Wall
This could be the last thing House Republicans do before the election.
Trump Campaign Lawyers: Russia Collusion is Free Speech
Lawyers say the First Amendment protects their right to release "stolen information."
The Oppression
A new poll shows Dems lead women by 30 points, Trump's attacks on the NFL didn't hurt ratings, and the NY AG slams the Trump Foundation.
Report: Investors Bet on Climate Disaster Because Americans Are Uniquely Stupid
"There is not a single other country where anybody smart isn’t a believer in these things"
Trump, Wilbur Ross Borrow More Ideas From TPP
Obama's "globalist" Trans-Pacific Partnership keeps showing up even though Trump withdrew from it.
The Very High Cost of Doing Nothing
Combating climate change will cost trillions, but doing nothing will cost even more.
Nuclear Triad
Another Russian intel suspect is identified, Pence spent a lot of money to not watch football, and John Oliver looks at Brazil's Trump.