Trump stole money from the programs covered by the new defense spending.
Author - SK Ashby
Trump To Withdraw Troops From Germany to… Elsewhere in Europe
All forces will be stationed in Europe, just not in Germany.
McConnell Probably Can’t Pass His Own Stimulus Bill
McConnell doesn't even have 50 Republican votes for his bill, much less the 60 needed.
Cognitive Test
Trump made up his first pitch, new virus outbreaks may be coming, and the Brexit will hit sectors the pandemic spared.
GOP Stimulus Proposal Includes Billions For Nonsense
The GOP's stimulus bill includes defense spending and one of Trump's pet projects.
Biggest Benefactors of Paycheck Protection Didn’t Use It For Paychecks
Temporary staffing agencies have double-dipped on the payrolls of others.
How Are They So Bad At This?
Senate Republicans combined their worst ideas into the worst possible proposal.
Cognitive Assessment
Trump's top adviser is infected, Ohio may repeal the corrupt coal bailout, and Trump's donors get stiffed.
Border Agents Redirected to Liberal Cities to Create “Viral Content” For Trump
Trump used to say immigrants are the biggest threat, but now it's a "wall of moms."
The GOP’s Bad Uemployment Policy Could Take Months To Implement
The GOP policy is bad, but that doesn't mean it couldn't be worse.
White House, Senate GOP Unveil Half-Assed Stimulus Proposal
The GOP proposal includes a massive cut to the pandemic unemployment program.
Best Wishes
Cohen is released from prison, Trump's tax holiday is dead, and the economic recovery is sputtering out. Plus a programming note.
The Trump Regime Pimped A Second Fake Virus Cure
And Ron Vara was somehow involved in the whole stupid mess.
GOP Stimulus Proposal Cuts Pandemic Unemployment
But we may not see it until next week.
Jobless Claims Are Increasing Again
Things are getting worse, again, and the GOP is largely responsible.
State Rules
The U.S. records 1,000 deaths, a hard Brexit draws closer, and Esper closes the barn door.
Business Lobby Joins Fight Against Trump’s Legal Immigration Limits
Manufacturers, retailers, and the Chamber of Commerce challenge Trump's visa limits.
Ohio House Speaker Arrest Tied to Energy Industry Bailout
Charges against Householder are connected to Trump's failed bailout scheme.
“What in the hell are we doing?”
Stimulus talks may not conclude until next month.
Big Orange Creep
Ohio's House speaker is arrested, Rick Scott says his grand kids won't go to class, and HUD tells shelters how to spot trans women.