No one knows how small business loans will be forgiven while the rules keep changing.
Author - SK Ashby
Projected Deaths Rise With Reopenings
Texas joins the list of states reopening with no backup plans in place.
Virus cases top 3 million, the WHO says no evidence of immunity, and air pollution might carry the virus.
Report: USDA Sat On Asses While Food Rotted
It's nearly May and Sonny Perdue hasn't responded to requests from early March.
The Richest People in the World Got a Bailout
The richest zipcode where the poorest people make $1 million got Paycheck funds.
The 2020 Deficit Could Be Over $4 Trillion
The CBO says the deficit will reach $3.7 trillion not including anything else that happens.
Supreme Court Rules For Insurers Screwed by Trump
The court voted by a margin of 8 to 1 against Trump's decision.
Life As We Know It
The Supreme Court might roll back LGBTQ rights, no one trusts Trump, and Trump is in his feelings.
New Small Business Money is Already Gone
The $310 billion in additional funding was gone before it passed Congress.
The “Primary Outcome” of Trump’s Miracle Drug is Death
A clinical trial of chloroquine was shut down because it kills you.
Trump’s Belligerence May Slow Vaccine Development
The Trump regime won't participate in a WHO program for speeding up a vaccine.
Georgia Governor Thrown Under Exceptionally Large Bus
Trump's treachery was even worse than previously reported.
The Task Force
A study finds much wider infection, unemployment grows 4.4 million, and Gates says no vaccine until 2021.
Top Recipient of “Small Business” Funds is Large, Trump-Connected Investment Firm
The swamp has been drained directly into one large firm's coffers.
Everyone is Humiliated
Everyone who works with Trump is eventually humiliated: Brian Kemp edition
Opening Soon
The UK's top doctor says no vaccine in 2020, the CDC director sees another outbreak, and some Chinese are positive two months later.
How Large Business Got Small Business Money
As usual, it's all about the loopholes.
Trump’s Miracle Drug Increases Chance of Dying From Virus
Patients who received Trump's drug were more than twice as likely to die.
Gov. Kemp Emulates Trump, Surprises His Own Staff
Brian Kemp's virus task force didn't know about his decision to reopen.
The WHO says Covid-19 wasn't man-made, officials link primary voting to infections, and corporations want legal immunity.