Handing control over to local officials was a good idea in some cases.
Author - SK Ashby
Trump’s Egomania Delays Stimulus Checks
Trump wanted his name printed on the checks and it's causing a delay.
The Cure
Global carbon emissions tumble, social distancing may last much longer, and Cuomo says Trump is "full of shit most of the time."
The Fiscal 2020 Deficit Could Be $4 Trillion
There's no question we'll have to raise taxes to recover.
Kudlow: Trump to Announce Reopening Guidelines This Week
Kudlow is usually wrong, but Trump himself has been talking about this.
The Committee to Reopen the Economy or (Probably) Die Trying
None of the names on this committee are good.
Ignoring Trump, States Make Their Own Virus Plans
With no direction from Trump, states make their own plans to reopen the economy.
Herd Immunity
Sanders endorses Biden, the Minneapolis Fed doesn't see a quick recovery, and not all virus survivors develop immunity.
“The Children” Are Running The Show
Veterans at FEMA refer to Jared Kushner and his buddies as "the children."
Member of Crozier’s Crew Dies From COVID-19
And over 10 percent of the crew has tested positive for the virus.
“There isn’t any clear direction”
There are now four competing sub-groups within the White House virus task force.
Wartime Presidents
Virus deaths top 100,000, the deficit climbs 7 percent, and China grants a trademark for Trump coffins.
Trump Regime Projects Second Outbreak If Trump Gets His Way
Federal projections say even partially lifting restrictions next month could lead to disaster.
Trump’s Third Farm Bailout is Here
Trump's trade war led to two prior bailouts and Trump's failed virus response prompts a third.
There Is No Plan
At least not one that the Trump regime is actively preparing for yet.
Socialist Ideas
Job losses climb to 17 million, half a billion may fall into poverty, and the coronavirus may be reactivating.
Feds End Financial Support for Virus Testing Sites
How are we ever going to reopen the economy?
Study: New York’s Outbreak Came From Europe
But they would never call it the "Europe virus."
Pence Extorts CNN to Carry His Daily Briefings
Pence wants his 15 minutes, too.
Coronavirus Determined to Strike The United States
Intelligence warned the White House about the virus even before January.