One should never wonder how Trump bankrupted all of his casinos.
Author - SK Ashby
Firsthand knowledge
Netanyahu is formally indicted, the CBO says debt will soar this decade, and a study finds poverty kills more kids with guns.
Trump’s Justices Allow Ban On Potentially-Poor Immigrants
Trump may deny legal status immigrants while the case legal case proceeds.
Brexit To Reduce Economic Growth Now That It’s Official
A RAND Corporation study says continued negotiations will reduce growth this year.
Trump’s Manufacturing Recession May Deepen
Factory orders declined by the most in eight months in Decembers.
Cultural Sites
Businesses shut down in China, officials say Turkey is behind recent hacks, and 9 are killed in a California helicopter crash.
Britain to Also Ignore Trump On Digital Taxes
British officials say they're moving ahead with a tax on digital services.
Britain to Ignore Trump On Huawei
Boris Johnson will reportedly ignore Trump's demand that he ban Huawei.
Bolton Says Trump Sought Investigations of Democrats
Bolton says Trump told him he was extorting Ukraine to hurt Democrats.
The Latest Polls
The CDC confirms another virus case, China quarantines millions, and the FBI stopped a plot to kidnap a Saudi critic.
Number of Troops Injured in Iran Attack Triples
After Trump said there were no injuries and it was "not serious."
U.K. to Trump on Trade: Get in Line
"I thought we'd go first," Mnuchin said, demonstrating what an idiot he is.
“Take her out”
An associate of Giuliani recorded Trump telling them to oust Ambassador Yovanovitch.
Midnight Mitch
Regulators charge Wells Fargo execs, Merkel says climate change is a threat to life, and China wages war on plastic waste.
EU Officials Pledge to Retaliate for Trump Car Tariffs
Europe will respond "in the same dimension and the same vein," the German ambassador says.
Trump Raises Rates to Pay Himself For RNC Meeting
Trump doubled the rates for a hotel room at the RNC's winter meeting.
Mnuchin Tells Climate Activist to ‘Study Economics’ Before Speaking
But Mnuchin also says tax cuts pay for themselves, so who really needs to study?
Character Witness
Russia agents try to bug Davos, raising the minimum wage reduces suicides, and Mnuchin spoils "phase two."
“it is not very serious”
Trump says traumatic brain injuries suffered by U.S. troops are just "headaches."
Did The Saudis Do Trump a Favor By Hacking Bezos?
A U.N. report says Mohammed bin Salman himself hacked the Amazon founder's phone.