North Korea rejects talks, Manufactures say China hacked them, and economists see Trump's trade war continuing.
Author - SK Ashby
Come For Overpriced Steaks, Stay For Corruption
The Trumps are marketing their hotel's access to foreign governments.
October’s Deficit Surges Despite Record Tariffs
The deficit looks better than it really is thanks to Trump's stealth taxes.
Trump’s Trade War Drags Japan’s Economy Down
Japan's economy slowed to a standstill as weak global demand hit exports.
The Transcript
Dean Foods files for bankruptcy, Esper says he's open to caving in Korea, and Trump wants to ban asylum work permits.
Report: Trade Talks Stalled Over Trump’s Fake Farm Promise
Trump threatened China yesterday because he likes to make shit up.
Mulvaney Says He Knows Too Much
Mulvaney knows too much about their corruption to be fired, Trump's staff say.
Trump is Delaying His Car Tariffs
Trump will delay tariffs on foreign cars and cat parts for up to six months.
Trump Threatens to Blow Up His ‘Greatest Deal Ever’
Trump is publicly blackmailing China with more tariffs.
The Trump Foundation
Trump ordered to reimburse Scotland, Stephen Miller is unhinged, and Trump casually leaks intelligence.
Bolton Tells Us What We Already Know
Bolton says Trump abandoned the Kurds for business reasons.
“nobody’s cheated better than China”
Trump won't say China has "cheated," except when he does.
Trump’s Court Picks Might Strike Down DACA
The court may strike down DACA in the middle of the 2020 campaign.
Great Again
John Bolton says he knows things, the rich get richer, and the Fed will assess the risks of climate change.
Creepy Robot(s) of the Day
MIT says the "mini cheetah" is faster than most humans.
“I haven’t agreed to anything”
Trump says he hasn't agreed to roll back his tariffs.
Killing Your Own Voters to Own The Libs
Refusal to expand Medicaid led to 15,600 premature deaths.
“There is no agreement”
The tentative deal announced yesterday appears to be dead already.
The Perfect Call
Trump Chicago profits nosedive, Trump is ordered to pay a fine, and recent exports to China are stuck in limbo.
Trump Plans to Dominate GOP Politics After Leaving Office
Trump has held talks about hosting a new version of The Apprentice.