Consumers keep the economy going, the British economy is shrinking under Brexit, and manufacturing shrinks to 1940s levels.
Author - SK Ashby
Mick Mulvaney is Out of the Loop
Trump's own chief of staff apparently doesn't know what he's up to.
Trump’s Fake Promises Are Holding Up Trade Talks
Trump's promise of selling $50 billion in farm goods isn't China's promise.
Johnson Isn’t Wrong, Except When He Is
Johnson isn't wrong that parliament needs to shit or get off the pot.
Trump’s Meeting With Xi Jinping Has Been Canceled
Chile has canceled the summit where Trump was suppose to meet Jinping.
Pitch Perfect
The NCAA opens the floodgates, America's wheat crop is the smallest in a century, and officials cringe at Trump's presser.
No, The (Non-Existent) Jobs Aren’t Coming Back
Jared Kushner says Trump's trade war is worth the high cost of waging it.
Trump’s ‘Greatest Deal Ever’ Could Be Delayed
'that doesn’t mean that it falls apart, it just means that it’s not ready'
It Couldn’t Happen to a Nicer Piece of Shit
Unfortunately, Bob Murray is going to drag working people down with him.
Trick or Treat
Johnson accepts a Brexit delay, Team Bolton leaks more Ukraine details, plus John Oliver on Trump and Syria.
Exports Fell Off a Cliff in September
Agricultural exports dropped by almost 13 percent in September.
The Trump Regime Announces Tariffs on Thailand
The cost of your favorite seafood might go up next year.
The Baghdadi Raid Almost Didn’t Happen
Because of Trump's decision to abandon the Kurds.
Trump’s ‘Greatest Deal’ Includes Nothing New
Reforms that are suppose to be part of the deal were already implemented by China.
The NRA's spy is out, Trump warns of recession, and the Trumps are selling their DC hotel. Plus Obama eulogizes Cummings.
They’re Not Wrong
China wasn't impressed by Mike Pence's hawkish anti-China speech.
Trump Also Used His Trade War On Ukraine
Restoration of Ukraine's privileged trade status has been held up.
Wilbur Ross uses private email, Turkey expands the "safe zone," and American factory orders decline.
The Brexit is Getting Delayed Again
And Boris Johnson is calling for an election.
‘I’m not convinced it was a bad idea’
Republicans who haven't endorsed ethnic cleansing do say it's not our problem.