The ILLEGAL (yeah, "warrantless," too, that's what makes it ILLEGAL) wiretapping of millions of Americans is shaping up to be yet another uber-Nixonian-redux chapter. Why, you ask? Well, perhaps you...
Author - John Christian Plummer
The New Brownie
"President" Bush is a master at breaking the laws of our nation. He's also pretty good at bending them, and the latest example of this is making recess appointments. While the world was distracted by...
How merry will Tom DeLay’s Christmas be?
It's all falling apart, and so, so quickly. Jack Abramoff, the ex-crappy movie producer and sleazeballiest lobbyist on K Street, is ready to roll on his "betters," members of Congress like Tom DeLay...
Suddenly speedy
The unelected-president at the press conference yesterday: BUSH: We used the process to monitor. But also, this is a different era, different war. It's a war where people are changing phone numbers...
Recipe for victory: run against Bush
You may not have noticed that Bolivia has a new president. See, the mainstream media has spent so much ink covering the same old "freedom marching all over Iraq" speech from our fake president whose...
War on Xmas: Mission Accomplished!
With the "Merry Christmas" insurgency clearly in its last throes, isn't it time we liberals in Operation Happy Holidays moved on to fight another battle? I mean, really, we've worked so hard, for so...
Can we stop wasting ink on Hillary 08?
Hillary R. Clinton, the great prevaricator, is at it again: Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton is supporting new legislation to criminalize desecration of the United States flag _ though she still opposes a...
Ford: Built Weak.
It's comforting to know that the Ford Motor's Company's track record of making short-sighted decisions continues unbroken. It's not bad enough that Ford repeatedly turns it back on engineering...
Using the wackos
Speaking of Crooked Jack Abramoff, you may have seen this little quote which, if the media really cared about scoops, would be headline material (this is from a memo by Abramoff aide Michael...
The Bugman is gonna get whacked
Just yesterday, Tom DeLay was blaming his staff for being crime-buddies with Jack Abramoff. But what a difference a day makes! The NYT reports that there is e-mail evidence that the Bugman himself...
The new Dem poster child for crime
Remember Wille Horton? He helped George H. W. Bush get elected. Not voluntarily of course. Horton was a Massachusetts-based convicted murderer who, while on a prison furlough for the weekend, killed...
Rummy getting rich off panic. Literally.
Another entry in the disgusting saga of Republicans turning fear into profit, as Fortune Magazine reports that undiagnosed mental patient Donald Rumsfeld is making a lot of money off this pesky bird...
Karl, the cowboys are starting to look like Indians
Trent Lott, ousted Senate Leader, had something interesting to say today on Hardball about Big Head Karl: Look, [Rove] has been very successful, very effective in the political arena. The question is...
Alito who?
Today, Harry Reid spanked Little George and his 19th-century judge, Strip Search Alito, back below the fold. We all know Little George is doing all he can -- from his early Monday morning...
The smell of Alito in the morning
Here's an Alito Judicial Fun Fact: In Doe v. Groody, Alito agued that police officers had not violated constitutional rights when they strip searched a mother and her ten-year-old daughter while...
Can you hear this, Mr. President?
Remember the hammily staged moment -- I mean touching and patriotic moment -- at Ground Zero, when Bush and that audience plant -- I mean patriotic citizen -- had that back and forth about whether or...
Scooter won’t go away
As much as BushCo would like to distract us from their car wreck of an administration (albeit by their quickee nomination of a judge who believes wives should be legally bound to talk to their...
Cheney knew
From Josh Marshall: Go to page 5 of the indictment. Top of the page, item #9. On or about June 12, 2003, LIBBY was advised by the Vice President of the United States that Wilson's wife worked at the...
Little George and George Takei
Little George was pushed in front of a microphone today, where he said: "we're all saddened by today's news." No, Bush wasn't talking about George "Mr. Sulu" Takei announcing that he's gay, though...
John Conyers wants answers
Rep. John Conyers, one of the bravest men in Congress, has some good questions in the wake of the Scooter indictment: On page 4 of the indictment, who is the unnamed "Undersecretary of State" who was...