Author - JumpyPants


Meghan Tisinger

Posted by JumpyPants So you probably know that the President has lifted the ban on press and cameras at Dover Air Force Base. Great news, right? Finally, after over 8 years, we are admitting through...

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Gloves Off

Stunning display of hackery from Romulan Charles Krauthammer: So much for the president who in his inaugural address two weeks earlier declared "we have chosen hope over fear." Until, that is, you...

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President Obama

Turning Up The Fire

President Obama in Williamsburg last night. The more he and other smart people are able to crank up the volume against the zero cred Republicans, the better off we'll all be. Adding... Krugman wrote...

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Quote of the Day

"I really don’t understand how bipartisanship is ever going to work when one of the parties is insane. Imagine trying to negotiate an agreement on dinner plans with your date, and you suggest Italian...

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The Media

Super Stupid

ABC News demonstrates their obviously liberal in-the-tank support for the president by comparing him and his lavish "private jet" to the CEOs of failed Wall Street corporations who blackmailed us for...

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The Media


Chris Matthews on President Obama tonight: Lawrence, why does he need a teleprompter to do a good speech? I'm dead serious. He's no good on give and take, he's just average. He's no good on the stump...

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Open Thread

Prime Time Thread

Open thread for mocking the constant variety of cable news hackery and whatever else is scrubbing your stimulus package. Tonight! The final night for our fundraising drive. Help us raise some cash so...

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President Obama

Obama Bipartisanship

Robert Gibbs today: I saw some of Senator Collins's [R-ME] remarks on one of the cable channels earlier today, and she said she'd had a good conversation with the President. And the President had, in...

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President Obama

Go, Mr. President!

President Obama today at the Department of Energy: So let me be clear: [Republican] ideas have been tested, and they have failed. They've taken us from surpluses to an annual deficit of over a...

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