Operation Zero Cred Let's go!
Author - JumpyPants
President Obama and ‘Bipartisanship’
There's a difference between legislative bipartisanship and "disagreeing without being disagreeable." The latter, I think, is what the president has always talked about. So out of curiosity, I went...
Newspapers and the Tubes
What do we know about newspapers and the internets? We know that print newspapers are dying. We know that subscription models don't work online. They never have, other than with, you know, porn...
‘I Reject Those Theories’
The president's "I reject those theories" remarks in editorial form here. In addition to the "enough!" tone of the piece, I got a kick out of the tag: "The writer is president of the United States."...
Morning Awesome
Bill O'Reilly vs. Christian Bale NOT SAFE FOR WORK
Operation Zero Cred
My God on a stick. The degree of panic and cries of OH NOES! all around the tubes are becoming almost unbearable. It's early September all over again. Lots of "Obama should..." and "Why hasn't Obama...
Quote of the Week
"Now, in the past few days, I’ve heard criticisms that this plan is somehow wanting, and these criticisms echo the very same failed economic theories that led us into this crisis in the first place...
Prime Time Thread
Open thread for mocking the constant variety of cable news hackery and whatever stimulates your economy. Tonight! Day three of the GDAB fundraising drive. Help us to pay the bills and feed the tubes...
Four Million Children…
...are now officially eligible for free healthcare, thanks to President Obama and the Democratic Congress. Four million! Naturally, the Republicans tried to turn this into an illegal immigration...
Afternoon Awesome
Scorpions! Adding... What the flippin' hell is going on in this video? Anyone want to provide a narrative?
According to a new Rasmussen poll, Americans are turning against the recovery bill. 43 percent against, 37 percent in favor. Eric Kleefeld reacts: So the Republican talking points out there against...
Glass Houses
It never ceases to confound the laws of reality how the spazzy white guys in lower Manhattan who got it all so wrong for so long -- basically screwing us all -- can so easily accuse liberals of being...
I think MSNBC just compared President and Mrs. Obama's visit with second graders yesterday to My Pet Goat and 9/11. But I'm not 100 percent certain. At around 9:20 a.m. eastern, Tamron Hall threw to...
This Happens To Every Administration
...But compare the relative smoothness and humble tone exhibited by the Obama administration over the Daschle and Richardson withdrawals with the ridiculousness and insanity of the Bush...
Less Insanely Rich
At last: The Obama administration is expected to impose a cap of $500,000 for top executives at companies that receive large amounts of bailout money, according to people familiar with the plan...
Morning Awesome
Death Cab for Cutie - "A Movie Script Ending" From 2001's The Photo Album
Prime Time Thread
Open thread for mocking the constant variety of cable news hackery and whatever shovels your driveway. Tonight! Day two of the fundraiser. Thanks so much to everyone who has contributed so far. Once...
Quote of the Day
“I screwed up.” —President Obama on the Daschle withdrawal. How refreshing is that?
The Republicans don't seem to mind it when Joe the Plumber doesn't pay his taxes.
Daschle Steps Off
I'm actually very happy about this. The embarrassment factor was rising with this on-going vetting/taxes escapade, and maybe now there's a shot at bringing in Howard Dean for HHS. Daschle said: "I am...