"He had a reverence for the office, that’s why he didn’t get partisan. He thought it was irreverent to turn the Oval Office, or the Office of the Presidency, into a partisan strategic battle place."...
Author - JumpyPants
Aw crap. Nancy Killefer, who failed for a year and a half to pay employment taxes on household help, has withdrawn her candidacy to be the first chief performance officer for the federal government...
Take Them Seriously, Dammit!
I mean, the Republicans are very serious people who should be taken very seriously! When GOP congressional aides gather Tuesday morning for a meeting of the Conservative Working Group, Samuel Joseph...
Super Stupid
President Obama isn't a smart-ass Jerky the Jokeman like the previous guy. But that hasn't stopped some people from jumping to the false conclusion that he is. In his NBC interview over the weekend...
Morning Awesome
Rush - "Subdivisions" Performed by musician Jacob Moon on a roof in Hamilton, Ontario. Awesome Hall of Fame Nominee!
Farewell, 23/6
It's always sad to see a great thing go away. And 23/6 was pretty great. Sadly, it appears as if it's being shuffled into the new comedy section of the Huffington Post. If you type 23/6.com into your...
New Political Carnival Video
GottaLaff from the awesome Political Carnival blog knows a recording artist named Alex Nester who can sing the hell out of "Suger Pie Honeybunch". And Laffy made an Obama music video for the song. Go...
The Lost Bill Hicks Appearance
Last week, Letterman finally aired the previously cut Bill Hicks standup appearance from 1993. Other than the Billy Ray Cyrus material, notice how everything else is still relevant 15-plus years...
Prime Time Thread
Open thread for mocking the constant variety of cable news hackery and whatever scoops your cat litter. Tonight! How's about a fundraiser so I can keep the GDAB housed safely on the tubes. In other...
Zero. Credibility.
I don't expect the Republicans or the establishment press to issue public corrections, but an actual CBO report on the Senate recovery bill was released and -- holy crap on a stick! -- lookit: The...
Republicans Agree: More Position Flexible
New Rasmussen poll of Republican voters: The numbers: 55% of Republicans say the party should be like Palin, compared to 24% who say they should be like John McCain. So the party should be far-right...
Lemon Socialism
Krugman's latest column just rips into the Obama-Summers-Geithner approach to bailing out the banks: I’m talking, instead, about the administration’s plans for a banking system rescue — plans that...
Scarborough’s Red Scare
Some of the festivities from this morning's very liberal discourse on the "in the tank for Obama" network.
Rural Americans
Why can't Obama close the deal? Obama is out of touch with rural Americans! Why isn't Obama one of us?! That's all we heard for two years -- reaching the point of cable news hacktastical insanity...
Morning Joe
I've broken out the blood pressure cuff and the Atavan and I'm watching the very liberal MSNBC. At around 7 a.m., Scarborough, Buchanan and even Mika screaming about how the recovery bill "gives tax...
Morning Awesome
Nada Surf - "Whose Authority" (One thing I can't grasp about fixed-gear riders is the no-brakes thing. One gear, sure. No brakes? Insane.)
Football Thread
Open thread for viewers of or refugees from the football game.
Just When I Started to Respect Zakaria Again…
We get this.The war in Afghanistan started on October 7. 2001. Just over seven years ago.
Quote Hall of Fame
"I am seriously glad to be here tonight at the annual Alfalfa dinner. I know that many you are aware that this dinner began almost one hundred years ago as a way to celebrate the birthday of General...
The Google Went Crazy
An apparent system error left millions of visitors to the site puzzled when links to all search results were flagged with the warning 'This site may harm your computer'. It is thought the site had...