Afro Samurai: Resurrection - The Cyborg Fight Sunday nights on Spike. Adding... Fro Freedom!
Author - JumpyPants
Prime Time Thread
Open thread for mocking the constant variety of cable news hackery and whatever lathers your shampoo. Tonight! Blagojevich was impeached. One step closer to the headline: "People Aren't Talking About...
‘Shameful’ Indeed
WASHINGTON — President Obama fired a warning shot at Wall Street on Thursday, branding bankers “shameful” for giving themselves $18.4 billion in bonuses as the economy was spinning out of control and...
Encore Wingnuttery
Thought I'd share another brilliant wingnut e-mail with you. all I can say is what a total MORON you are! It is retards like you that is ruining the rep of the media in this country! Luckily nobody...
Doof Quote of the Day
"The other thing he could have can go for centrist compromises and say to your own party, "Sorry, some of you liberals aren't going to like it, but I'm going to change this legislation...
Old School, New School
Greenwald makes a smart but off-the-mark case against the president's tactics versus the Republicans: Some Obama supporters will claim that the whole post-partisan song is nothing more than a...
The Leader of the Republican Party
By way of a refresher as to who's calling the shots for the Republicans. Rush Limbaugh Arrested On Drug Charges Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra Limbaugh Mocks Parkinson's Rush Limbaugh Mocks a 12...
Intellectual Violence
From the wingnut mail bag: You won't talk so much when Obama and the democrats destroy this country. I voted with my head ,not my fears, I voted fro freedom, not with my pocketbook. You libs complain...
Super Stupid
Here's to hoping that Congressman Mike Pence and his drug-addicted, sex tourist hero Rush Limbaugh become the poster boys for an epic Republican fail on this recovery package. h/t Yglesias
Great News for the Republicans!
The Republicans lost the House vote and looked like bitter, childish scam artists in the process while President Obama looked magnanimous and proactive and, dare I say, presidential. So naturally...
Morning Awesome
Trailer for A Road Not Taken: The true story of the old White House solar panels.
In my Huffington Post column, I mentioned the Drudge headline blasting the STD prevention section of the recovery bill. Turns out, preventing STDs actually does provide relief to the economy -- by...
Worst Person
Dick Armey is a dick. I mean, we always kind of knew this, but the way he treated Joan Walsh on Hardball was unforgivably awful. Adding... The quote: "I'm so damn glad that you could never be my...
Your Liberal Media
Think Progress:Notice that MSNBC had fewer Democratic guests (as a percentage of total guests) than FOX News Channel.
Prime Time Thread
Open thread for mocking the constant variety of cable news hackery or whatever's salting your driveway. Tonight! How many House Republicans will bang on their pots tonight?
New Huffington Post Column
Obama Versus The Republicans: Chill Out, He's Got This Enjoy and please Digg.
Afternoon Awesome
Cannibal: The Musical - "Let's Build A Snowman!" NOT SAFE FOR WORK
Quote of the Day
"When it comes to the weather, folks in Washington don't seem to be able to handle things. My children's school was canceled today because of what? Some ice." —President Obama commenting on the...
$2.2 Trillion
Here's a sobering infrastructure report by the American Society of Civil Engineers: Of the 15 areas the engineers looked at, three got worse and only one got better. The three that worsened were all...
Counting Down to the Vote
FLOOR SCHEDULE FOR WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 2009 House Meets At... 10:00 a.m.: Legislative Business Five "One Minutes" Per Side Last Vote Predicted... 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. H.R. 1 – American Recovery and...