Posted by JumpyPants John McCain chose Sarah Palin. John McCain could've picked lots of other people, people like Mitt, Joe, Rudy or Mike -- all varying degrees of a shitload-more-qualified than...
Author - JumpyPants
Points v. Personality
Posted by JumpyPants No, that's not a Supreme Court case that Sarah Palin read about in her latest John Birch Society periodical. It's me talking about what debates are decided upon in this nation...
Executive Experience
Posted by JumpyPants Tens of thousands of Americans have more executive experience than Sarah Palin. They have run companies or municipalities larger than the staffs and budgets Sarah Palin has had...
When Is A Gaffe Not A Gaffe?
Posted by JumpyPants Karl Rove must spend forty-minutes on the toilet every morning figuring out how to hogtie the words "gaffe" and "Biden" together. I saw Bush's Retarded Brain the other night on...
John McCain, our own E.B. Farnum
Posted by JumpyPants E.B. Farnum, erstwhile hotelier and mayor, the spineless, desperate, vain and venal creature, created by David Milch and William Sanderson on the woefully canceled HBO series...
What Is Wrong With Sarah Palin?
Posted by JumpyPants Seriously. What is wrong with her? Mentally, I mean, not ideologically. While we need to figure out how close John McCain is to senile dementia and/or cancer and/or heart failure...
The Keating Five and Why McCain Always Sucked
Posted by JumpyPants As the Giant says in Twin Peaks: "It's happening again." Imagine a scandal in which senators were lobbied by corrupt money men to deregulate elements of the banking industry, and...
Which Train Wreck Is Bigger?!?!
Posted by JumpyPants Which is the bigger imploding Hindenburg of disaster? Choice A: the senile, pissy, sputtering, nutty, lying campaign of John McCain Choice B: the know-nothing, pissy, sputtering...
No Debate On Debate
Posted by JumpyPants David Letterman, Joe Klein and the majority of Americans get it: McCain is full of shit. There should be absolutely no question in the minds of Barack Obama and his staff that...
Posted by JumpyPants I would say John McCain is more scared of debating Barack Obama than Jamie Lee Curtis was scared of Michael Myers in Halloween and Halloween 2 combined. I would say John McCain...
John McCain: 100% Full of Crap
Posted by JumpyPants Q: How much more full of shit can John McCain be? A: None more full of shit. He is 100% full of shit. He lies about everything. EVERYTHING. A short list of John McCain's lies: 1...
Karl Rove: Anti-Genius
Posted by JumpyPants The scuttlebutt is that McCain's campaign weighed in with Bill Kristol as well as Karl "I AM a Genius!" Rove before picking albatross/millstone/lead weight/imploding disaster...
Posted by JumpyPants DailyKos/Research 2000 tracking poll today: Obama 50, McCain 42, MOE +/- 5 And from the internals, the only area McMemoryloss is winning is the SOUTH. Northeast, Midwest and West...
McCain is Mentally Unfit
Posted by JumpyPants If John McCain were my grandmother, I would be worried about him. I mean, this guy makes senility-type mistakes on a daily basis. FEC, SEC. Spain, Latin America. Iran, Iraq. And...
The Incredible Shrinking Favorability
Posted by JumpyPants According to the Daily Kos/Research 2000 non-partisan tracking poll, not only is Obama up 49 to 42 today, but Palin is down yet another point in her favorability ratings. Now...
This is McCain on Drugs
Posted by JumpyPants Senator McNutjob is talking so fast out of both sides of his mouth that I expect him to start spewing teeth any minute now. The economy is "fundamentally strong" BUT we're in a...
Warren Buffett: Obama Can Run A Business
Posted by JumpyPants "I would put either one of them in charge of a business." That's the richest businessman in the world talking about Senators Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. But John McCain's...
Obama Gets It
Posted by JumpyPants Have you seen Obama's new two minute long ad (TWO MINUTES?!?!?! TWO?!?! TWO MINUTES?!? As in 10 times longer than a 20 second soundbyte?!?!?)? Millionaires like Joe Richborough...
John McCain: BlackBerry Inventor!
Posted by JumpyPants As the avalanche of McNutjob's lies continues to take down the mountain of his reputation, he and his team are now lying about truly insane shit. The latest, in an eerie echo of...
‘Senator – what economy are you talking about?’
Posted by JumpyPants BAM! Here we go! Just now, while Paulsen is in Washington de facto endorsing Obama's call to revamp ancient regulatory systems, and while John McNutjob is in Florida talking...