Posted by JumpyPants John McCain thinks the economy is strong. John McCain thinks the surge is working. John McCain thinks Governor Palin knows more about energy than anyone in America. John McCain...
Author - JumpyPants
Go Joe Go!
Posted by JumpyPants Biden NAILS it: I believe that's why Senator McCain could say with a straight face, as recently as this morning, and I quote "the fundamentals of our economy are strong." That...
McSick, McOld, McHiding
Posted by JumpyPants The health of John McCain is a question of tremendous importance, as I was saying below, Dailykos has a diary up with a poll about it, and now a group 30 physicians are calling...
Posted by JumpyPants And the hits keep coming! Rove et al keep hoping they're running against Kerry 04 or Gore 00. Sorry, sleazeballs, but this time you're running against a fighter who plays to win...
More Attention on Palin, Please
Posted by JumpyPants $66 million. And that was before Palin "wowed" the GOP base and gushy corporate media mouths. The more reasonable, rational people get a clear picture of Palin, the more money...
He’s Old and Infirm and Forgets Things A Lot
Posted by JumpyPants John McCain is 72, but as should be clear to anyone who has read his book or watched him unscripted, he's not your average 72 year old. He was tortured (or as he, George Bush...
Pick Your Favorite McCain Nickname!
John McCain is a really boring, un-exotic, un-foreign, un-SEXY sounding name. But it doesn't have to be that way! Let's help Senator McCain by choosing a new nickname for him! It's fun, and it's free...
John McCain Farts In Old Ladies’ Faces
Posted By JumpyPants That's right. John McCain farts in old ladies' faces. He waits until they're sitting down, then he sidles up to them, first smiling and pretending to be interested in chatting...
Why Isn’t Being Ahead the Same As Winning?
Posted by JumpyPants Turn on any of the corporate, incorporated, bar-b-que-ified media, and you will get the same vibe, over and over again: John McCain's smear tactics are working! McCain has the...
Mrs. must stop. You have become like Friday the 13th Part 7, a movie so predictable, so unwatchable, so horrible, and so in need of going away forever. You are embarrassing yourself...
Rank Hillary’s Reasons For Staying In
So Hillary is staying in. For now. It defies logic and the wishes of many a Democrat, but she's staying in. If you would be so kind as to share a moment of your time, rank in order of importance the...
Rank HRC’s Most Rovian Moves
Hillary Rodham Clinton and her husband, Bill, who apparently now plays an ignorant, racist creep on TV, have channeled the reptilian brain and flaccid, pasty gut of Karl Rove in increasing measure in...
Rank Who Needs To Endorse
As we wait for the votes to be counted in Muncie, take a moment of your time to rank the following people in terms of who needs most to endorse Barack Obama tomorrow. In the morning. 1 is most needs...
Let The Heinous Ranking Begin
If you can spare a moment of your time, I'd love for you guys to rank the following people from MOST HEINOUS to LEAST HEINOUS (yes, the implication is they are all, to my mind at this point...
Hillary W. Bush
There's little doubt that the media's love affair with hating Jeremiah Wright has hurt Obama's momentum in North Carolina and Indiana and maybe even a bit nationally. Obama's doing a remarkable job...
Gas Holiday In Hell
This is how much it cost me to fill up my mom's sedan this morning with premium (it's fancy, it must have premium): Supposedly Clinton's internal polling (done by Mark Penn of course!) is showing...
The SUSA Survey: Keep Cool
Bloggers and commenters who heart Hillary are all making hay over SUSA's latest five-point race poll in NC. Okay, first of all, even according to SUSA Obama's still ahead. According to everyone else...
Half A Tank Of Gas
A partial transcript of the video Bob posted below: Half a tank of gas. That's [John McCain's] big solution...this is at the same time he is proposing hundreds of millions of dollars of more tax...
The Cudgel Called Race
As the Clinton tactics are at this point a perfect mirror of the Atwater/Rove GOP slime-n-lie approach, it's instructive to view them in light of what Senator Obama, our nominee (yes, let's just...
A Bosnia Vet Calls Hillary A LIAR
This is long, but I think it bears printing in full. It's a letter from Tammi Hetherington a veteran, a woman who was a soldier on the tarmac the day Hillary Clinton walked safely to greet a little...