War is good! Iran is bad! Hope is wrong! Fear is right! McCain/Clinton 2008. America: We Can Make It Worse.
Author - JumpyPants
Hillary crosses the bullshit threshold
Hillary and her good friend/pretend lover/prospective running mate Johnny Mac have one more thing in common: their straight talk is actually crooked as a Nixon official. The Chicago Tribune has a...
The smell of desperation in the morning
Ed Rendell is a Hillary supporter who thinks white people from the state he governs won't vote for Barack Obama. But despite his confidence in the small-mindedness of his fellow Pennsylvanians, he...
Oh, and here’s something to do
Do it now. You'll feel so much better.
The voice in Hillary’s head
Like her DLC soulmate, Joe Lieberman, Hillary Clinton really is about one person: Hillary Clinton. So she'll doctor photos to make a fellow Democrat look different, she'll praise her Republican...
Hillary’s Brain On Drugs
Red phone! McCain! Friend! NAFTA! Grain of salt! War! Thresholds! Fear! Fear! Ken Starr! McCain! McCain! Darkened image! 3 AM! 3 AM! 3 AM! McCain! Fear! Friend! McCain! 3 AM! Experience! Children...
Rolling Stone
Yeah, let’s talk about Ken Starr…
So Howard "I Get My Crack From Rush Limbaugh" Wolfson decided to invoke the name of Ken Starr today in what I think he thought was his candidate's defense. Howard, buddy, probably a third of...
With Experience Like This…
...who needs fuck ups? Hope08 over at DailyKos has a crackerjack diary where she points out how Obama is now hitting back hard at the Clinton "experience" meme. Here's the great quote from Senator...
Whither Cindy’s pride now?
How proud is Cindy McCain of this? WASHINGTON — Early in Senator John McCain’s first run for the White House eight years ago, waves of anxiety swept through his small circle of advisers. A female...
Okay, so who is left, exactly?
The latest Gallup has Obama beating Clinton among Hispanic voters (h/t TPM). So...let's do a quick tally of all the groups that Mark Penn feels are marginal for the Democratic nominee: Hispanics...
BREAKING: Obama Attacks Old Lady!
Barack Obama bumped into an old lady while campaigning in a supermarket in Madison, WI today, and the old lady was "banged up pretty bad," said shopper/Clinton campaign advisor Howard Wolfson. The...
Clinton plans to “build dele-bots”
Mark Penn, senior campaign strategist for Hillary Clinton, intimated today that his campaign will build robotic delegates who will not waver in their dedication to Senator Clinton. Penn added that...
Does Winning Mean “Winning”?
Not according to Mark "My Head Is So Far Up My Ass It's Coming Out My Neck" Penn. Here's Penn's latest lobbying effort to get himself heavily medicated and/or force Hillary Clinton onto the...
Is Texas significant?
Wonder how Mark Penn is spinning the latest ARG poll in Texas? 48% Obama, 42% Clinton. I'm sure that if these numbers continue to move in the direction numbers everywhere have been moving and...
Memo to Hillary supporters in caucus states…
...she just dissed you. Imagine you live in Washington or Maine, let's say. You just worked your butt off for the last couple months, writing letters to the editor, knocking on doors, making phone...
Where does Mark Penn buy his crack?
The "GOP attack machine," Penn suggested, "skewed the perceptions of such distinguished public servants as Al Gore and John Kerry" in a way that left perceptions of them "out of touch with reality."...
More about unity…
Bob's post below, jumping off from Digby, makes the important point. And here's the thing: Clinton is, by any historical measure, not a uniter. She and her husband both have a long track record of...
So I was wrong, but in a good way
Obama didn't just barely beat Clinton. He won by the proverbial landslide: 59 to 41, with 79% reporting. And as dansolomon clued me in on the comments below the comments below we should expect a win...
About that delegate count
Are you as sick of I am at hearing people on the toob and in the supermarket checkout that even though Obama is winning, he's really losing? You know, because of those superdelegates. Well, Real...