Author - JumpyPants

The Media

Super Stupid

CNN has apparently hired Dana Perino to be the newest member of their Incredibly Great Political News Team of Greatness and Excellence. Thank goodness for Perino that CNN has very low standards in...

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There. Is. Anoth. Er.

This (via Krugman) will absolutely happen. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is open to considering another economic stimulus plan if the current one isn't big enough to turn the economy around, she said...

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Media Matters: While media figures and outlets continue to use the term "Obama bear market" to refer to the 20 percent drop in the stock market since President Obama's inauguration, a Media Matters...

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Republican Party

No Confidence

Political Wire: Republican insiders tell Political Wire that a no confidence vote on RNC Chairman Michael Steele is likely to be called after the NY-20 special election on March 31 -- regardless of...

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As if the whole wingnut idea of a "teabagging" protest wasn't ill-conceived enough, we hear this from Atrios: According to a Senate source, the teabaggers are sending in lots of bags of tea to the...

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The Media

Master Whah?!

We don't need any further proof that Glenn Beck has reached a level of crazy somewhere in the range of a Moon Landing Conspiracy Theorist and a full-blown End Times Street Evanglist. I normally don't...

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The Media

In the Tank!

MSNBC just did a bit criticizing President Obama for "doing too much" and a bit about the "Obama Recession" complete with that misleading Dow graphic. All in one segment. Why is MSNBC in the tank for...

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Morning Joe

Morning Joe

In a segment with Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI), Joe Scarborough referred to Mika as a "Marxist" -- not once, but three times in one segment. For example: Here's the problem, Paul. I work with a...

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Why Do Robots Hate America?

A wingnut Christian fundamentalist lawyer is afraid of robot marriage: David Gibbs III, a lawyer who in 2005 fought to keep brain-damaged Terri Schiavo on life support, told rally participants gay...

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