Open thread for your Saturday night blogotubing.
Author - JumpyPants
Doof Quote of the Day
"The one real problem with Obama on national security is… he’s putting more troops into Afghanistan, which is insane. This has been the focus of the terrorists — they’re all streaming across into...
Weekly YouTube Address
The budget. And here's something to make you stand up and cheer: I know these steps won’t sit well with the special interests and lobbyists who are invested in the old way of doing business, and I...
Pollgasm: Flirting With 70
The president's approval rating is, once again, flirting with 70 percent. Wow. Lots of communists out there. (Source: Amato)
The End is Near
This is too disturbing to describe. Rachel very likely cut to the core of the wingnut attacks on the president. And it's really, really disturbing. That said, the next 18 months should be...
This Is 100 Percent Real
Well, I'm a liberal Democrat. And so that guy wants to tea bag me? (Source: TBogg)
Wingnut Revolution Fail – Part 3
Here's an excerpt from an after-action report from the Chicago Wingnut Revolution (Tea Party), attended by 400 revolutionaries (with permits): When we reached the Michigan Ave Bridge, a tea bag was...
Bush Under the Bus
This is a good one. Now more than ever, conservatives are attempting to distance themselves from George W. Bush. Newt Gingrich, in his CPAC speech, blasted the Bush administration's "big spending."...
The Rick Santelli Nexus
This is a fascinating investigation by Mark Ames and Yasha Levine into the "spontaneousness" of Rick Santelli's Star Wars Kid moment. It turns out that Santelli's contract apparently runs out in a...
Morning Awesome
MST3K Saturday! "Here Comes the Circus"
Prime Time Thread
Open thread for your Friday night blogotubing.
Wingnut Revolution Fail – Part 2
Malkin has posted a series of photos from the Wingnut Revolution in Washington, D.C. Not only are they requiring permits from the government in order to, you know, overthrow the government, but they...
Wingnut Revolution Fail
Malkin is griping about how one of her "Tea Parties" in Cedar Rapids was stymied by state officials who prevented the wingnut revolutionaries from dumping tea into the Cedar River. Two questions: 1)...
The President’s Iraq Speech
I'm not in love with the idea of waiting until 2010. But wow, this speech has almost entirely talked me down. Absolutely one of his best.
A Weekend Talking Point For You
A little something for when you're confronted by the "but it'll hurt small businesses" talking point: ...the Tax Policy Center has estimated that a mere 2 percent of tax returns reporting small...
Zero Cred
Jindal has admitted that the Katrina story from his speech the other night was fake. ...a Jindal spokeswoman has admitted to Politico that in reality, Jindal overheard Lee talking about the episode...
August 31, 2010
The date when the combat mission in Iraq will end.
More Choo-Choos
From the president's budget, this makes me grin from ear to ear: the Administration proposes a five-year $5 billion high-speed rail State grant program. Building on the $8 billion down payment in the...
Doof Quote of the Day
"Michael Steele! You be da man! You be da man!"—Michele Bachmann (Source: Chez)
Morning Joe
Joe Scarborough was just grilling Tina Brown about taxing people who make more than $250,000 a year. How ridiculous is this example: Will you say somebody making $250,000 -- hold on, let me ask you...