"This is outrageous! I am a U.S. Congressman! What's the matter with you people? Why aren't you listening to me?! I am not a homosexual! I'm not like you people! Guards! Guards! Seize them! Seize...
Author - Mr. Brink
It's a new era in American politics: "The incoming Senate will have four times as many female Democrats compared with their Republican counterparts -- 16 to 4 -- and the imbalance will be almost 3 to...
Crappy People
Being boycotted is a terrible business model, buddy. (Via Mad Magazine.com)
The Benghazi Economy
They couldn't believe their luck. It was the break they had been cultivating for nearly four years. The October 2012 surprise that would last through the October 2014 Midterms at the very least. When...
That Happened!
Rachel Maddow: That happened! That really happened. We are not going to have a Supreme Court that overturns Roe v. Wade, there will be no more Antonin Scalias and Samuel Alitos added to this court...
President Obama At Arlington National Cemetery
President Obama in an excerpt from his speech on Veteran's Day: This is the first Veterans Day in a decade in which there are no American troops fighting and dying in Iraq. Thirty-three thousand of...
Oh, Give It Up Mitch McConnell!
The American people have you surrounded! Stephen Moore, who, when failing miserably to keep from laughing and snorting uncontrollably over his own intellectual dishonesty, must admire Matthew Lesko's...
The Last Throbbing Surge Of David Petraeus
By Mr. Brink It couldn't be easy, hunkered down behind enemy lines, holed up in some C.I.A. black site all the time, miles below the planet's crust at the furthest, secretest reaches of the globe...
Vote! Vote! Vote!
Good luck, America. We're all counting on us. (image via Obama Diary)
New Hampshire Is Lovely This Time of Year
The Live Free or Die State.(photo via Obama Diary)
A Soapbox Breaks Its Silence
That's me. No, not him. Down here! That's me. I've looked better, I know. That's not even my best side. It's been a long campaign. My Soapbox ancestors have been stood upon all throughout history by...
“Brick By Brick”
The ground game we're witnessing in this election is unprecedented. A memo from Obama/Biden 2012 shows: This cycle, our teams registered 1,792,261 voters in key battleground states—nearly double the...
Hurricane Sandy
Please Do Not Attempt To Feed the Hurricane.(image via Flickr)
Typical Early Voter
I love this. That's President Obama making history last Thursday by being the first sitting president to vote in person before election day. But if that's not historical enough for one week, for only...
Very Decided
Postcards from a Blue state...From the 8th Congressional district of Illinois.The Godless heathens of Illinois send their regards.
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