
Bad Idea Jeans

Smarties in Boulder are making already vulnerable cyclists even more vulnerable.

BOULDER, Colo. (CBS4)- Bicyclists in Boulder may have to watch how fast they coast. The City Council is considering an 8 mph speed limit for cyclists in certain locations.

The council will consider the speed limit proposal at next week’s meeting. In the meantime, the ordinance has some cyclists pedaling their opposition.

One of the only defenses a bike rider has is to be able to keep up with the pace of vehicular traffic. A strong cyclist can cruise at 25mph -- the speed of suburban or urban traffic. Speed also allows riders quicker maneuverability to dodge a reckless or careless driver.

So let's make sure riders are forced to go significantly slower than the cars whizzing past them, leaving them defenseless to adequately maneuver through traffic. What a phenomenally bad idea.