The Media

Barbecue Brokaw

The NY Times profiles the amount and flavor of barbecue sauce on Brokaw's face.

Asked if time he had spent with Mr. McCain — as contrasted with Mr. Obama, whom he does not know socially — would be of any help to Mr. McCain in the debate, Mr. Brokaw promised it would not.

Yeah right. Not only is Brokaw a barbecue buddy, but as you'll see in the article, he has something to prove to the McCain campaign.

You know, Brokaw, sometimes the McCain campaign is wrong and there isn't an equivalent wrongness from the Obama campaign. NBC -- be it Brokaw or Stretch or whoever -- is wallowing in this fake balance concept and it's, as Jon Stewart once said, "hurting the country."

Same with CNN, in fact. Last night, Anderson Cooper was going through Palin's ridiculous CBS interview responses, and they felt the need to mention Senator Biden's "gaffes." This isn't balance. As JumpyPants wrote last night, Senator Biden misspoke a couple of times. Palin, on the other hand, is wildly out of her depth and simply doesn't know what she's talking about. There's a huge difference.