Batshittery Gun Fetishists

Batshit Campaign Ad Season Continues With More Guns

Missouri gubernatorial candidate Eric Greiten's latest campaign ad is short on policy specifics but it's big on big guns.

That's actually the name of it; Big Guns.

Eric Greitens is under attack from Obama's Democrat Machine. They're trying to steal another Missouri election, but Eric Greitens is a conservative warrior and when he fights back he brings out the big guns.

To steal "another" election, don't you have to steal a first one to begin with? What election was stolen exactly?

Is Greitens implying that he's going to shoot Democrats? Is the "Democrat Machine" a literal machine sent back through time to stop Eric Greitens? Are "big guns" merely an extension that compensates for phallic deficiency? Does Eric Greitens fuck his guns when no one is watching?
