Birtherism isn’t dead yet, and Michigan state Senator Tom Casperson (R) says it’s very strange that the media didn’t dig deeper into this non-scandal.
“I don’t know because it seems like that issue was dropped immediately as far as the major media went,” Casperson told host Michael Patrick Shiels. “My gut tells me if it had been a different president, like say George W. Bush, they’d have been digging into that like there was no tomorrow, trying to get to the bottom of, which they never really did try to get to the bottom of. So it became a conspiracy theory and no big deal.”
Shiels asked Casperson if he found it “weird” that the country now had a commander in chief entering a second term who “may not even be technically, legally qualified to be president?”
“I think it’s strange, again, that it’s not being looked at by certain groups that normally would,” Casperson said.
No one asked if George W. Bush was born in this country because he’s white. And compared to the everyday life experiences of people of color, being white in America is equivalent to using a fast pass to bypass the TSA at the airport even though you have a rapier sheathed at your side.
There is no mystery.