Mail Bag

Wingnut Mailbag

This week I received the usual variety of pristinely-worded wingnut e-mails, like this one:

It amazes me that people actually take the time to read your idiotic columns. Actually I'm amazed that I continually read them to see what nutty, over the top, exaggerated bullshit you'll bless the beacon of class, huffington post with next.You truly are an intellectual juggernaut, that should taken serious...very serious. I think its time to up your medication...... Get a grip loser...

But I also received the most lengthy and delusional wingnut e-mail these eyes have ever seen. Here's a clip:

GWB will be ranked on his record and history will be quite kind. [...] GWB has 'won' in Israel and Palestine. He's won in Iraq. He's won in Afghanistan. He's won in Europe. All of the anti-American clowns are gone.

The rest is below the fold. Feel free to parse it in the comments.

Who wants to refute this guy? It'll be fun.

It's hard to tell how old you are but you should remember the late 80's. The model for how history will threat this President is Ronald Reagan. Your scorn for GWB is no different than the sentinemt felt by average lefty in 1988 for Reagan. Time magazine comically named Gorbachev as it's Man of the Decade in an attempt to reassign credit for the end of the Cold War away from Reagan. Evan Thomas recently tried to distance himself from that laughable effort.Everything we hear about GWB regarding his intelligence and his participation is identical to the charges direced at Reagan and the Europeans hated us even more then. You can easily look up the anti-American protests in the 80's when Reagan upgrades our missle sites. The crowds were more than triple anything from this decade. The fact is none of that matters. Reagan is not measured by the rantings from the left in the 80's. He is ranked among the greats for crushing the USSR in the cold war, for the now 26 year dynamic performance of the US economy thanks to his supply-side tax cuts and for restoring American pride after the disaster of Jimmy Carter.Just as 80's liberal angst isn't even a historical footnote neither will your angst. GWB will be ranked on his record and history will be quite kind.He's won a historic battle against radical islam greatly weakening Al Qaeda, the Taliban and restoring democracy to 55M people in Afghanistan and Iraq. Iraq will be famous as the site of the greatest counter-intelligence victory in the history of warfare. Under the astute management of Rumsfeld and Gates GWB will have managed the most significant and successful military transformation in history. We have by far the most powerful military in the history of civilization which is also among the most respected among it's citizens. This is why today islamic terorism is almost always directed within islam. The USA has not been attacked because the price is too devastating.After inheriting a disaster in the middle east left by Bill Clinton GWB wisely supported Ariel Sharon who correctly recognized Arafat was a worthless thief unable and unwilling to make peace and built the near impregnable fence guarranteeing the jews their highest level of security in their 60 years. Moreover GWB was decisive in supporting Sharons enactment of suppy-side reforms and increased trade thereby creating what is becoming an Israeli ecomomic tiger. Just last week Israel passed France as the world 5th largest arms exporter capitalizing on their technical advantages. Israeli per capita income is now over $26K versus approx $1K for the Palestinians. Their incredible wealth surge combined with GWBs increase of 25% (to $3B) of USA aid allow Israel to become progressively more powerful vis-a-vis it's neighbors.The bottom line here is when Bill Clinton left office the jews were getting slaughtered while they shopped and went to school. Under GWB the only people the Palestinains are killing are other Palestinains. The jews are safe while the Palestinians get to focus on forming a civilized state.GWB has 'won' in Israel and Palestine. He's won in Iraq. He's won in Afghanistan. He's won in Europe. All of the anti-American clowns are gone. Sarkozy is the most pro-American leader in France in over 60 years and Merkel also represent a total change from Schroeder. Gerhardt and Jacques left office with the lowest ratings of any leader in their countries modern history.As far as domestically GWB has done a tremendous job with the economy which has had it's longest run of consecutive positive monthly jobadds, 4.7% unemployment, low inflation and interest rates and will almost certainly finish with the longest and strongest economic recovery in USA history. All due to his supply-side tax cuts as well as surging exports the rest of a series of free trade deals negotiated by GWB. We have made great progress in stem cell research and are on the cusp of major advances in energy diversification. Significant increases in energy R&D across a range of applications is leading to increased conservation and more energy sources. US Oil demand has been nearly flat for 4 years despite 12% GDP growth. Moreover in 2006 the USA actually lowered carbon emissions 1.6%. This is the 1st time we've done this without a recession. Ethanol production is surging and an array of solar products and conservation products are coming to market. Unlike Carter this President didn't try to pick winners and losers (shale oil) but let the market work it's magic. As we've come to expect the US leads the world in energy and carbon efficiency.GWB has a long list of transformational accomplishments that will ensure he is very highly rated as a President.The fact you are so angry is proof of his success. As a conservative there is simply no way he could please you. This is a partisan country and always has been. You hated GWB before he was elected because he represents everything you hate. Tax cuts for example. You are so inflamed not because he was inept but because he was successful. He's done what he said he was going to do and what was against your wishes. He cut taxes. He went after the people who attacked us and their supporters. He rebuilt and restored the military. This will be his most durable legacy. It's been enjoyable watching anti-war libs and the press try to use Gitmo and Abu Grahib to destroy confidence in and support for our soldiers as well as all of the anti-war movies. The effort has been disasterous. From Dick Durbin crying jag to countless other mea culpas to Hollywood losing tens of millions and anti-war left wasa total disaster. The standing of the institution of the military has never been higher.It's good you are able to vent in your echo chamber but don't mistake lefty blogs for the public record. The fact is GWB has a substantially better record than Bill Clinton. There isn't a single memorable accomplishment there aside from his impeachment. Relax and get over yourself. America has Presidents not Kings. We are the greatest nation in the history of civilization because we are a free market representative democracy with a balanced government.