
“Justifiable” Murder of Abortion Docs, Again

Posted by JM Ashby

I'm getting the impression that Republican-controlled state legislatures across the nation are simply trying to sneak laws like this in while hoping no one notices.

Legislation introduced in Nebraska includes a "justifiable homicide" clause that could be used in defense of a fetus, potentially offering legal cover for the killing of abortion providers.

The bill, LB 232, was put forth by Nebraska state Sen. Mark Christensen, who fiercely opposes abortion even in cases of rape, as Mother Jones first reported. It would allow any third party the chance to use self-defense as a legal justification for killing someone believed to be threatening the life of a fetus.

Although it may not have been Christensen's intent, critics fear that the language it could make way for legalized killings of abortion doctors, who are already frequent targets of death threats from anti-abortion activists.

Oh sure it was his intent. Why else would you introduce legislation that's even remotely similar? The obvious goal is to circumvent Roe v Wade by otherwise making it impossible to find abortion providers.