
Freedom Industries’ Potential Legal Loopholes


The idea that lax regulation may have had an impact on the recent chemical spill in West Virginia has gained some traction as state authorities admit there are loopholes that allowed the spill to go unreported by Freedom Industries.

“I think the loophole, if you will, that this facility fell into is because it was not a hazardous material, it flew under the radar,” said Secretary Randy Huffman, head of the state Department of Environmental Protection. [...]

“There’s a 15-minute reporting rule for facilities that have products that are listed on what’s called the extremely hazardous substance list, and a chemical list that we specify that deals primarily with hazardous materials,” Gianato said.

“This product, based on the Department of Transportation regulations and the EPA, does not list as a hazardous substance.”

A chemical that can sicken hundreds, cut off 300,000 people from their water supply, force the closure of local businesses, and render hospitals and nursing homes unable to use their water seems like a fairly hazardous substance to me. Perhaps we should regulate it.