
Bobby Jindal Comes Out Against Himself on Immigration

Written by SK Ashby

Louisiana Governor Howdy Doody has joined the last of candidates calling for an end of birthright citizenship under the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution.

As you might expect, the governor laid out his reasoning in a concise manner.

Actually, I guess he didn't.

What Bobby Jindal will undoubtedly be reminded of this week is the fact that he would not be an American citizen if not for birthright citizenship. Bobby Jindal was born in America, but neither of his parents were American citizens.

To be fair, Jindal added the "illegal immigrant" qualifier because his parents came to America on student visas. His parents may not have been in the country illegally, but I guarantee none of the other candidates are interested in carving out an exception for documented immigrants.

In other Bobby Jindal News, the governor came out against Scott Walker's healthcare plan today by denouncing the "entitlement" of healthcare for babies and adult humans.

Governor Jindal said, “In a health care plan that is light on specifics, Governor Walker endorsed the fundamental underpinning of Obamacare – the notion that America needs another entitlement program.

“In Governor Walker’s plan, a new entitlement is created for every single American human being from the time they are born right up until they grow old and become eligible for Medicare[1]. It is frankly shocking that a Republican candidate for President would author a cradle to grave plan like this.

Nothing says "pro-life' like coming out against "cradle to grave" healthcare.

Bobby Jindal is a terrible person.