Boy Scouts May End Anti-Gay Policy

As Joe Biden would say, this is a big deal.

The Boy Scouts of America, one of the nation’s largest private youth organizations, is actively considering an end to its decades-long policy of banning gay scouts or scout leaders, according to scouting officials and outsiders familiar with internal discussions.

If adopted by the organization’s board of directors, it would represent a profound change on an issue that has been highly controversial -- one that even went to the US Supreme Court. The new policy, now under discussion, would eliminate the ban from the national organization’s rules, leaving local sponsoring organizations free to decide for themselves whether to admit gay scouts.

The promotion of the hyper-masculinity that leads to gay bullying and a large assortment of other social trespasses begins at a very young age, which makes this a very big deal not just for the rights of LGBT persons, but also society as a whole.

Children aren't born prejudiced and they do not become intolerant of those who are different unless adults, either by action or in-action, teach them otherwise.

The Boy Scouts may announce the change as early as next week. And I can only imagine the explosion of homophobia that will erupt on Hate Radio.