John McCain

Bring the Pain for McCain

Posted by JumpyPants

Oh, yes, yes, yes and yes (via Ambinder):

Democratic surrogates say they've been given the go-ahead from the Obama campaign to mention John McCain's associations with S&L kingpin Charles Keating and other historically tarnished creatures when asked about Obama's connection to ex-Weatherman William Ayers.

Paul Begala clearly got the memo early. As Brokaw was slinging pure crap about Ayers today on MTP, Begala was hitting back HARD. Begala warned that this "guilt by association" approach would blowback on McCain. And it will blow back worse.

Begala didn't even talk about Keating. He was too busy talking about McCain being a board member of the Council for World Freedom, run by John Singlaub. According to the Wikipedia:

Singlaub was also active with the World Anti-Communist League, described by former member Geoffrey Stewart-Smith as "largely a collection of Nazis, Fascists, anti-Semites, sellers of forgeries, vicious racialists, and corrupt self-seekers."

So McCain is in bed with a guy who works with Nazis and another guy, Keating, who brought us our last big economic crisis. Palin is pallsy with an entire anti-American PARTY run by a guy who got chopped up and duct-taped into a blue tarp (blue!) after trying to buy plastic explosives.

Oh, McCain, you are more than erratic, brother. You are a tornado of self-destruction, and you are right in your own path.