
Canadian Horror Story

Healthcare in Canada is a nightmare. From a Canadian reader via email:

Hi Bob.

Here in Canada we pay no premiums and receive pretty darned great healthcare. I'm 60 years old, have had very little interaction with the system and used to pay a $42. dollar a month premium, recently dropped by our provincial government(Alberta-currently run by Republican wannabees). I've friends and relatives who have never encountered the "horror stories" your media is hyping regarding wait times, can't choose your own doctor, socialized medicine etc., in Canada,who have benefited from state of the art medical procedures, as good or better than those offered only to the wealthy in your country. These stories are manufactured and paid for by those that profit from health insurance in your country.

We have those in Canada, in our Provincial ,(State) governments who manufacture crisis(paying lip service to the lobbyists) as they pressure them to get in on one of the last remaining Canadian gravy trains-health insurance. You Yankee Traders are on camped on our doorsteps for one reason-GREED.

Whenever you hear stories of grief and hardship and woe from Canada, be sure they are "from the healh insurance lobby, invented by the status quo protectors, those fine upstanding repuglicans and their ilk!

Google Tommy Douglas to see how universal healtcare came to be in Canada.


The horror. And by "horror" I mean the part about how the private healthcare jackals appear to be stalking the Canadian system.