
Cancer in Chief

(Cartoonist - John Branch)

In other news, Team Cruz is reportedly trying to gain control of the GOP's convention platform committee so they can put things like bathroom bills on it.

Meanwhile, Alabama's right wing Chief Justice Roy Moore has been suspended from duty for... being an activist judge who legislates from the bench. Imagine that!

This is the second time Moore has faced such charges. In 2003, the Court of the Judiciary removed Moore from office after he installed a washing machine-sized monument of the Ten Commandments in the state judicial building in Montgomery. Moore refused a federal court order to remove the monument, leading to his removal from the state's highest court.

Finally, the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center and the Urban Institute Health Policy Center say Bernie Sanders' economic plans would create so much debt ($18 trillion) it would actually damage the economy by raising interest rates and increasing government borrowing costs.