Molly Jong-Fast -- Molly joins Bob to discuss the disintegration of Twitter, how the press covers...
Category - Bob Cesca Show
The Bob Cesca Show 9/26/23
The Fascism Files -- [Explicit Language] Buzz is here after all, and he brought a Top 5 List! Did...
The Bob Cesca Show 9/21/23
Little Trash Goblin -- [Explicit Content] Sen. Kennedy's porn rant set to music. Rupert Murdoch...
The Bob Cesca Interview: Tim Russ 9/20/23
Tim Russ -- [Explicit Language] You might know Tim from his role as the Vulcan Tuvok on Star Trek...
The Bob Cesca Show 9/19/23
Mister President -- [Explicit Content] We're fired up today due to internet issues and Meet the...
The Bob Cesca Show 9/14/23
An Amorphous Bag of Transfats -- [Explicit Language] David is sick so it's just Bob and Jody on the...
The Bob Cesca Interview: Cliff Jong-Schecter 9/13/23
Cliff Jong-Schecter -- [Explicit Language] Molly Jong-Fast had to postpone so we swapped her...
The Bob Cesca Show 9/12/23
Propagandagasm -- [Explicit Language] Molly Jong-Fast on the interview show this week. Kevin...
The Bob Cesca Show 9/7/23
Norc, Norc, Norc! -- [Explicit Content] The latest crappy polls and the truth about Biden's record...
The Bob Cesca Interview: Jillian Hurley and Americonned 9/6/23
Jillian Hurley and Americonned -- [Explicit Language] Jillian Hurley is the producer of an amazing...
The Bob Cesca Show 9/5/23
Fascism or Not Fascism -- [Explicit Language] Jobs numbers defy expectations again. Our Election...
The Bob Cesca Show 8/31/23
28 Cockroaches In A Human Suit -- [Explicit Content] Bombshell AP story about the Trump plan to...
The Bob Cesca Interview: JoJo From Jerz 8/30/23
JoJo From Jerz -- [Explicit Language] JoJo from Jerz is one of the most popular liberal voices on...
The Bob Cesca Show 8/29/23
Water Dump Idalia -- [Explicit Language] Hurrican Idalia heads toward Buzz's house. Jesse Watters...
The Bob Cesca Show 8/24/23
Peggy The Wily Fetus -- [Explicit Content] It's Trump Mugshot Day! Trump replaced his Georgia...
The Bob Cesca Interview Replay: Adam Richman 8/23/23
Interview Replay: Adam Richman -- [Explicit Language] Our guest for today had to cancel at the last...
The Bob Cesca Show 8/22/23
Can You Believe It? -- [Explicit Language] The California Hurriquake! Trump will turn himself in on...
The Bob Cesca Show 8/17/23
The Big Orange One -- [Explicit Content] Trump is pissed off at Fox and Friends for using a...
The Bob Cesca Interview: Rachel Bitecofer Day 8/16/23
Rachel Bitecofer Day -- Rachel returns to the podcast to talk about her forthcoming book "Hit Em...
The Bob Cesca Show 8/15/23
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations -- [Explicit Language] Trump and 18 other co...