Air traffic control (and many other things) won't be privatized just yet, but it still could be.
Category - Congress
Jason Chaffetz is Impossibly Full of Shit
Congressional oversight may be a joke today, but Chaffetz wrote the joke.
Meanwhile, House Republicans Vote for Another Financial Crisis
What could go wrong?
Report: GOP Moderates Might Oust Their Chairman
Tom MacArthur negotiated behind the backs of his caucus.
President Obama’s Last Budget Lives
Trump and the GOP got nothing out of this "deal."
A Possible Government Shutdown Will Be Delayed by One Week
For reasons, we'll have to worry about a possible shutdown again next week.
Trump is Giving Up on Border Wall Funding, Probably for Good
If he doesn't get the money now, he probably never will under this Congress.
“Tax Reform” Probably Isn’t Happening This Year
Congress can't pass reform if they aren't in session.
Graham: Trump’s Fantasy Budget is “Dead on Arrival”
"It shows a lack of understanding."
The GOP Tax Plan May Also Be Falling Apart
Ryan's tax plan is even dumber than I thought.
Hell Freezes Over, Oversight Committee Does Job
The Oversight Committee refers Conway to the OGE.
Congressional BLM Haters Reduce Public Input at BLM
Republicans roll back an Obama-era reform that benefited landowners.
Chaffetz Withdraws Bill to Privatize Public Land
Chaffetz's bill would have privatized over 3 million acres.
Congressional Staffers Secretly Worked for Trump Under NDAs
House Republicans didn't know their own staffers worked on the Muslim ban.
Trump Signs Executive Order That Could Cripple Congress
Trump introduces another time-sink for a bumbling Congress.
Report: Republicans Have No Plans to Pass a Budget, Even Their Own
Never underestimate Republican incompetence.
What, You Mean Repealing Obamacare Has Consequences?
"Wait a minute" one Republican senator says.
House Republicans Take First Step to Repealing Obamacare
Can Republicans handle repeal and avoid a government shutdown at the same time?
We’re Hours Away From a Possible Shutdown
The government probably won't shut down tonight, but it could happen.
The Fake IRS Scandal is Finally Dead
Is it really over? Probably, but never say never.